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Quality Improvement in EMS : Building a program that works for you

January 28, 2020
42 Mins

This is an educational webinar that discusses Quality Improvement which is a dynamic and ongoing process - develop a plan that works, make it happen, evaluate its effectiveness, and then continue to adjust.


  • Why you need an EMS Quality Improvement (QI) program
  • Review some pertinent resources to help build one
  • Talk through some common obstacles
  • Discuss building a Culture of Quality
  • Show how data can help strengthen your program

Barret Bernard BA, CC/NRP.

A Nationally Registered Paramedic and former New Orleans EMS Clinical Officer and Critical Care Paramedic with over 22 years of experience working in many areas of EMS, from rural to urban and even inside of the hospital.


This is a non-CME promotional program sponsored by Stryker.
Barret Bernard presented and recorded this program on behalf of Stryker as a paid speaker.